Saturday, September 4, 2010

boys suits How can let the child complete the work highly effective joyfully

From the lower grade, teacher and the parents, if can help the child to be aware, highly effective, completes the homework joyfully, lets the child not write the work to regard deals with the assignment, not, because writes the work to foster bargains back and forth the custom with the parents,boys suits, this will develop to child's entire learning process and even the future very important.

Guardian Ms. Wang: I 13 year-old son always cannot complete the school arrangement the homework, my countermeasure is, if he has not completed the work, lost each night to look at television's right. But so long as I close the television, he said that we do not love him. I am very contradictory, worried: How to do, can both let the child complete the homework, and does not hurt our mother and child feelings?

Expert reply: Some children when have not met the self-requirements, will take you not to like my such words coercing the parents, will let the parents when the raise child will be swayed by personal gains and losses. But, if wants to establish a set strictly, around the consistent implementation rule, the key lies in the standard which already fixed not to be able because of child to vacillate.

The parents take a regular execution, the vindicator, must be able the rationality to regard child's anger, is uneven, because of these angers, is uneven is temporary, the majority children can accept around these consistent, compared with fair rule.

But what must stress: Certainly must formulate the effective rule, namely these rules are fair, reasonable, the child has ability to complete. Before therefore the formulation rule, must certainly reach an agreement first with the child, and when execution, such child slowly will form in every sense of the term the custom which will observe, will not regard as it is the burden.

Moreover, the child cannot complete the work, also possibly was studies the aspect to encounter the difficulty. If the child is quite weak to some concrete discipline's learning capability or lacks the effective study strategy. Please carefully recall, inquired that investigates, if has the problem truly, by must consider that looks for a pointed remedial class for the child, should better be a teacher teaches a student, helps the child leak finding to fill a vacancy, solves the child not to be able to complete the homework the individuality, concrete question.

Expert review: When the child tires of study,(Related ArticlesJumps the sugar to sing >!), does not like when writes the work,baby gear, certainly must find child's concrete reason, teaches students in accordance with their aptitude to it, formulates scientifically, effective, the joyful study method. Many year education practices let us discover: The science study, will light child's study desire. But lets the child obtain joyfully in the study link, the child can foster the good study habits. In order to make this point, we have utilized the following methods: Cared that the child psychology fluctuation, the utilization skill stimulation interest, proceeds in an orderly way the guidance, teaches the child to study the method correctly, not only supervises the child to study, simultaneously must very much encourage,infant girl dresses, to raise child's confidence, understands the child, builds the good study atmosphere for the child and so on. (Tang Shan Pu Li Zhengbing)

kids clothes How to correct the bad custom which the baby is not obedient

The child is willful, is not obedient, not only will affect child's academic record, will also relate child's disposition formation, the personal character mold, the psychologically healthy and even the life development and the success major problem. Therefore, each parents must decide the bad custom which is not obedient child this kind to correct.

The child is not obedient is the parents most headache matter. From a child birth, the parents unceasingly are using the language, the behavior and the story carry on the education to the child, but some children want to do exactly the opposite,kids clothes, this often causes the parents to be annoyed.

Actually anybody handles the matter to have the reason and the goal, the children are also same. Did not know that the parents have thought? Why isn't the child obedient? Has known the reason, carries on the guidance suitably again, can correct the child inevitably not to be obedient effectively the behavior.

Generally speaking, the child is not obedient has the following several aspect reason:

1st, willful: What do I want to do to do what

Willful is child's one kind of not normal point of view, many children to meet their some kind of needs. Often through willful coerces adult. The child forms this bad habit the reason mainly to have two aspects: On the one hand is when because the child to the parents proposed when some excessive requests, parents' education method is inappropriate. It is not through the patient inculcation, but is harsh and unreasonable rejects. The child had not understood why own wish can't realize, can be willful naturally; On the other hand is because in the family member treats child's willful processing method not to be inconsistent. For instance when the child displays is very willful, mother will possibly stem from spoils the child as far as possible to protect the child, but daddy wants to correct child this bad custom but rejects severely. The final result often is lets it go at that. The child hao sends without the wound,(Related Articlesfashion kids shoes Mother must pay attention to th), therefore, child, because had the backer, often can intensely willful.

As the parents, tolerates the child to be equal to that constantly has harmed the child. The child will think that through the willful method, the parents will satisfy his all requests, will therefore become even more acts in a self-serving manner. Moreover, in the child who excessively willful grows up, will form take as the central disposition, will become selfish, unreasonable, will not understand with others cooperation.

2nd, wants to play all the time: I take one time to play all the way

Each children like playing, play, originally is child's instinct. However, many children play excessively, plays wallows, this was harmful and is useless. Therefore, has an old saying to call excessive preoccupation with trivia saps the will. Many parents worry child excessive preoccupation with trivia saps the will, but headache. Some parents simply adopt the compulsion method to eliminate the right which the child plays, but this simultaneously also causes the child to have the mood which opposes with the parents, fiercer is not obedient the behavior.

Wants to play all the time harms greatly to the child: On the one hand the schoolwork is careless; On the other hand will also catch lies, ditches school and so on bad problem,baby bibs, will move toward the crime. For instance is infatuated with the mechanical games excessively, causes some children to step onto the crime the path. They are only from the very beginning play, afterward was more plays more becomes addicted. Asks for money to the parents, the parents do not give, lent money to schoolmate could also not borrow, therefore tried to find solution to deceive, stole, thus stepped onto the crime path. Even if has not stepped onto the crime path, will want to play all the time also the varying degree to affect child's study and the health excessively.

The child too wants to play all the time the main performance is: Clings to the television or the computer games; Only takes the sports, the neglect study; Does not have the goal to chat blindly; Plays hooky even meets the practical joke ......The child with all one's heart in plays, attends class is not wholly-absorbed listens, after the class, as soon as did not do one's assignment,baby boutique online, after being on vacation from school, the book bag throws, lifts the foot to walk, the day not black did not go home.

3rd, tires of study: The visible textbook I am tired of

It is not obedient the children have the varying degree to tire of study the mood. Tires of friendly study with study, happy study will repel one another, tires of study will strangle without doubt, hinders the enthusiasm which and the desire the child will study, will fetter and puzzles the child fine mind, can cause the serious harm to child's healthy development.

Once child loathing study, if then wants to let them aware study on own initiative, then becomes an empty talk, they will use each method escape study, will evade the parents and teacher's surveillance, will regard the study and the school like disasters. Thus, even if the parents order him to study unceasingly, he is deals with settles, do not count on that he sought knowledge on own initiative. Therefore, tires of study is the biggest difficult adversary which the child studies, also creates one which of primary causes the child is not obedient.

Tires of study has division the weight: Occasionally to some work, some discipline or to some teacher, some school produces discontentedly, this is slight tires of study; Regularly to some work, some discipline or to some teacher, some school produces was sick of that and occasionally is accompanied by some like headache and so on uncomfortable physiological reaction, this is moderate tires of study; Routinely to some work, some discipline or to some teacher, some school has the loathing, is accompanied by the headache frequently, the vomit and so on bad physiological reaction, this is serious tires of study.
4th, is proud: All over the world my most cow

Is proud is take really surmounts as the foundation one proud manner, is one kind of bad individuality concrete manifestation. It with feels inferior similarly, is stems from to own is not correct knew, what is different, being proud has appraised itself high, they come through the magnifying glass to see their strong point as if, even regards the shortcoming is the merit, but in looks at others' time, then always easy to disparage other people's merit, exaggerating opposite party insufficiency. Is proud the child frequently too will also believe himself, will thus produce in many parents eyes not to be obedient the behavior.

Ancient cloud: Causes the human to be progressive modestly, causes the human to be backward arrogantly. Will feel self-important definitely will have the negative effect to child's development. Feels self-important the child often has an invisible city wall in own periphery tree, forms with the outside mutual lack of understanding, this causes their heart becomes very narrow. Although they can make certain progress, but often does not have the broad ideal and the ambition, but only satisfies the result which obtains at present.

Feels self-important the child often is also very difficult and schoolmates in a friendly way is together, because they are always a cut above other people the manner to treats people or likes directing others, cannot achieve the equal treatment. Feels self-important the child mood is unstable, when the people do not pay attention to him, he will feel depressed; When he encounters the defeat and the setback, also from will move toward arrogantly pessimistically, will feel inferior and is deliberately bad, denies own all, thought that oneself anything will be inferior to others.

5th, retrogradation: My tumult puberty

The rebellious attitude is one kind of tenacious extreme thought custom, not only it causes the child to be unable objectively, knew accurately the thing the true self, instead will adopt the question which the wrong method and the way will solve face.

When a child uses for the first time the rebellious attitude treats people handles matters, represents him to want to limit an own attempt, i.e., builds together the demarcation line in him with other people between. This time's child will find out each different method to refute the parents, teacher's instruction. While this kind of revolt's, was not obedient the behavior also to produce.

Regardless of the child is not obedient stemming from any reason, the parents want to keep firmly in mind, our goal helps the child to realize to own mistake, thus correction mistake, but not displays us the authority, lets the child probably listen to us. The parents ravelling child is not obedient the reason, looks for the countermeasure from the reason, discovers the target-oriented solution, thus works out the science reasonable correction plan, often can receive the twice the result with half the effort education effect finally.

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Some male peacock's leggy was really attractive extremely, golden yellow and the Paris green color interlocked mutually,baby boutique, was glittering the gorgeous gloss under the sunlight, the impressive nature's good fortune had the so mysterious wonderful masterpiece unexpectedly, this was not the common painter can describe with seven painter's brushes results.

Is not only the humanity envies the male peacock beautiful tail feathers, this male peacock oneself also because of this beautiful is infatuated with, down to has further fostered the envy abuse. Although it was already tamed by the humanity has been very long, so long as but saw has the teenage boys and girls to put on the color bright clothing to walk on the avenue, was still out of control to burst with envy, must expel the calligraphy stroke to nip several, is willing to give up.

Previously, this only male peacock on perched in the mountain, must always first choose good one to be able to hide the tail feathers the place, then placed body's other spots again. But one day,preemie baby dolls, the space had the heavy rain suddenly, the male peacock because of avoided,(Related Articlesdiscount designer children's clothes [romantic spring. Loves), but dripped wet the attractive tail feathers, this caused it to be quite distressed. In this time, grasped the trap to catch the bird exactly the person to arrive front, but this peacock was also treasuring looks about the attractive tail feathers, was not willing to soar to great heights flees the scene,baby dolls toys kids, therefore had to fall has caught the trap which the bird person scattered.

The male peacock has the beautiful long tail feathers, this is a proud matter originally. But it actually treasured to her this superior long place too excessive, its result has instead incurred the disaster. Male peacock's fate caution people: If some who do lack the self-knowledge to oneself, some strong point, when the cloth wrapper carries, for its tired, by now the good deed had the possibility to turn the misdemeanor, draws out consequence which should not occur originally.

trendy baby girl clothes The name brand stationery encourages between the student to compete the win

Reporter comrade:

Your good .2 months on 24th, I lead the daughter to go to the market to select and purchase the study materials, finally the daughter must certainly buy the name brand stationery, but the name brand stationery's price is ordinary stationery's several times, even several times. The daughter insists on must buy,trendy baby girl clothes, and said: The friend of mine uses is this sign's stationery, is specially attractive, I also want. You or buy to me, I buy with my new year's money. Finally, I have bought a name brand stationery case to the daughter. This matter lets me be very contradictory, did not know that buys the name brand stationery to the child to be right, could encourage the child to compete the wind?

Web cam: Horizon

Reporter investigates:

Recently several days, along with approaching which began school, each big stationery shop, the stationery market, the market stationery counter, business exceptionally was hot.

As soon as on February 26, reporter goes to the provincial capital partial markets the name brand stationery counter to search the outcome. Each kind of stationery's marked price is really scary: A some brand's made of iron stationery case takes 38 Yuan, cheapest stationery case. The another brand's electrically operated penknife takes 158 Yuan one unexpectedly, but prints each kind of cartoon design book bag also to take 200 Yuan at least. So expensive price not retreating in fear student and guardian. Before some brand special counter, the sales clerk is the stationery which a customer buys makes the statistics: A book bag 268 Yuan, a stationery case 46 Yuan, a cushion 16 Yuan, two notebook 48 Yuan, painter's brush one box of 158 Yuan, after hitting 8 zhe the price are 429 Yuan.

This customer told the reporters, on the semester son's terminal examinations result is all personnel first, he promises the son to buy this brand to him the stationery. Moreover in the class many children have this kind of brand stationery, he did not want to put the child in this aspect.

This stationery shop's sales clerk said that the brand series effect has the rallying point very much, many well-known brands develop is the serial products, from the clothing to the shoes and hats, the stationery, has it all, easier to raise the consumption habit, many students like buying a series of products, such whole matching is more coordinated,kids clothing wholesale, certainly the price is not relatively speaking cheap.

Is the elementary school fourth grade slightly clean is the name brand stationery's supporter, she said: I specially like these brand stationery, not only has the attractive cartoon design, moreover the appearance is also very lovable, our class has many schoolmates to use.

Before generally begins school, the child can request the guardian to purchase the new study or the daily necessities achievement begins school the gift. The new semester has a new look, is originally undisputable, therefore proposed to the child the request, the guardian is generally grants every request. Those who let provincial capital Mt. Nan road elementary school teachers worry, now many children acquire the new goods are not because of the true need, but in secretly competes. She suggested that the guardian wants to teach the child to learn managing finances, guides the child each cent money which spends to write down, which money then inspects is together does not need to spend,(Related Articlesneiman marcus kids clothing Rescues the child!),Baby Boutique, which money spend to resources are well used.

Baby Girl Clothes Parent child communication secret Admits the child mood

Along with time passing, when the child obtains from parents here needs the support which and trusts, will then feel the comfort. He with parents at together time will think the security. Child two year-old time, sentiment of this kind of dependence indicates that the child is together very well with other people, also very much complies with regarding guardian's order. Not only these diffuse skills and are only some small details: This establishes the interpersonal relationship with our life, even with obtains the intelligence which in the studies the success needs to be closely linked.

How to complete the parent-child communication? Communicates us to divide into the successful parents,Baby Girl Clothes, should excel with the child to exchange, generally receives the parents who the child welcome, also excels to exchange. But the parent-child exchange communicates a fiercest weapon, admits the child mood.

Admits the child mood is regardless of child in sad, lonely or excited, when is joyful, the guardian can give child's mood attention, the respect and the understanding, but opposes his mood immediately. The admission mood was not equal to that approves of child's mood or the view, but first admits, then tries to find solution to change .nlp to call it unites the construction, is being suitable first opposite party meaning, then says own meaning. But pays attention, the respect understood that child's mood, the method is the conversion ponder, I am unable to explain that the conversion ponder is important, each day of I am using this method. Writing down: The conversion pondered that is the understanding premise, time are many are the understanding itself. But admits child mood this method, is in all methods utilizes many, may also utilize alone, may also use together with other methods. What the human likes is he, next likes likely own person. Will admit child's mood, the child will have liked you, trusted you, thus was willing to listen to your suggestion or the view.

Then I share admit the child mood 3 methods, certainly, the method is dies, everybody must be accommodating nimbly:

First, with right? And so on expression words I had understood and so on expresses the admission, may let the child trust you, some time these brief words, may trade child's trust peace static mood, sometimes, behind may say your care or the view. The example, the child was on vacation from school goes home, to speak a few words--The work have been too many, died of exhaustion me. Excels at father who admits the mood, said: Yes? Rests as soon as on the sofa meets. But did not understand godchild method the guardian, will possibly say: I had not heard on the academic society dies of exhaustion, looks for a job purely. The example, the child worried again the test display is not good, daddy said: , I knew. Daddy participated in the test in childhood, always relaxed the first mood, before then the test, sat in meditation 3 minutes, displayed as far as possible. Mother possibly said: Usually looked that you have not been studious, are afraid? Get what one deserves!

Second, with the child same feeling response, for instance commends the child. The example, the child score on the test is very good, qualified mother will say: The good child, mother is really you are happy, you are best! This you usual the achievement which will trade with the sweat, the trust you will be diligently better next time! Did not understand method the guardian will possibly say: The small result you were pleased with oneself, cannot become the macroclimate. Or, when the child meets the question, indicates when is sad, father and mother may in the expression express her worry, and said: Has the child, how, met what question? For father and mother said that reaches an agreement?

Third, with the imagination law, the example, the child was not careful that has swallowed the chewing gum, daddy said that oh, will eat the chewing gum to turn the big chewing gum. Drinks water quickly! Did not understand method the guardian will possibly say: Your this silly child, are you really silly? The example, the child has overturned again the face glass jar, on the canvas becomes at sixes and sevens, mother may smilingly say, if blew the mouth fairyism to be able to recover is good. Child's bad mood flew immediately.

Next, in communication question, what we must say, when the guardian did not agree that child's certain ideas, the request or in the behavior situation, how should communicate?

First, admits child's mood;

Second, does not appraise with the neutral language describes child's idea, the behavior or the request.

Third, indicates guardian's view either tells the child him the idea, the behavior or the request the puzzle which brings to the guardian, the feeling and the condition. In this step, the child will possibly consider for the guardian, aware concessions.

Fourth, when necessary, proposes the expectation.

This communication formula is: Admission -> behavior -> feeling or view -> expectation

This formula, needs everybody to be accommodating nimbly. Sometimes for instance may simplify is: Admission -> view -> expectation


Event: Young Ming had the conflict in the school and teacher

Parents' expression: Young Ming, I knew that you at heart the surface is very now sad, I knew that you are a good child, also knew that you like the independent thinking, you have certainly your view to be right? (admission), but when I knew you today and teacher talk back when (behavior), my surface thinks at heart sad, because of teacher, stands in his standpoint, is to let you better enhancement academic record? Your this appearance opposes him, regardless of being he or I, everybody surface does not feel better at heart (feeling or view). Will talk again next time with teacher, we calm and he reach an agreement? (expectation)

When the child makes the wrong thing or the defeat, is good at parents who convinces, will praise the child first! You do well! You attentively have done completely, was good! This is the first stage influence, then persuasively tells the reason which he is defeated, is also parents' view, then adds on the concluding remark which encourages, is also expected, tells him, so long as you pay attention to a spot, certainly will be better next time.

Actually, above has said the communication formula, is the unique skill which a celebrity habitually uses, who is this person? Has the human to know? Napoleon. Hill? Ke Wei? They are very fierce, but is not. Is Dell. The card bears the base, this is his unique skill. Interpersonal relationship first authority's interpersonal relationship unique skill. But, the card bore the base also to mention this method must note the question, was needs to use a word cautiously, this word was--But. Example, if you said: Someone, this your result progressed, we are very happy, but, if you can strengthen the algebra, that was better. Receives the inspiration someone, in hears, but this word time, will possibly suspect front will praise the refined language, even if did not suspect, will praise the effect greatly will also sell at a discount, therefore, might as well,(Related Articlesbaby dolls After the liquor, pounds the jar), but will remove. For instance: Someone, your this result progressed, we are very happy, if you continue tries hard in mathematics aspect, certainly equally will be next time good with other subjects. Must pay attention, but certain similar: Is, but so on.

Moreover, the multipurpose interrogative sentence and the child communicate, let child's brains independently ponder, creation. This, front we in speak the imagination time, had already said.

Finally, in the communication question, I shares, how to let the matter which the child does on own initiative should do?

The first method, humorous prompt. The example, the child should take a bath, but he slowly was not still willing to move, you might imitate the appearance which and the speech sound the robot walked, said to him: Gentleman, asked you to take a bath! This method can penetrate the transmission happy mood, arouses child's enthusiasm, reminds matter which he does should do.

The second method, increase pain joyful method. Sometimes the child does not handle some matter, is because the pain is insufficient. Sometimes for instance my child likes lying down is watching the television, I thought that this appearance long-term meets the nearsightedness, therefore I tell him, the child, this appearance watches the television, will become the nearsightedness, others will ridicule you, my this appearance said that for him the pain, will have the effect not to have the effect? Does not have. Why? Because the very young child does not like listening to these major principles, although in the major principle has the painful ingredient existence which you increase, that how should say? I am this appearance with exaggerate the earthquake sounds to mediate very much, ha, serious! The child, on the bed has the small insect, it will crawl to your body on! However sat does not have the matter, it did not dare toward your body on to crawl! You looked that daddy took a seat. Then the son takes a seat. That is, you must give these very young child's immediately pain, certainly, is not hits him to scold him to punish him, but sometimes needs to exaggerate or to fictionalize some pain--Now can feel the pain, sometimes do not say that in the future will have how painfully, do not say that will eat the ice cream to be able to have diarrhea takes a drug gives an injection, many children will not like the rationality pondering, will have certain immunity to future pain, certainly, will not be absolute, in the truth may say in the situation which will pass,Kids Shoes, we did not need to look immediately are painful. Is joyful for the child, for instance lets the child study,designer kids clothes, may tell him, only then penetrates the study understanding writing, can better look at the comic book. Looked that the comic book is one kind of joy. The pain method and joyful method, may utilize alone, may also merge the use.

The third method, shift attention. When the child makes a tearful scene, with this method, is also called the interruption inertia. At this time, you may tell some he has not listened the story to him, or attracts him with any other thing.

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The sweet little girl also participates[baby summer clothing Xiu], The little girl mother always slow half racket, the activity carries onOne week, only then participated to the sweet little girl ・ ・ ・, because lazy, leads the little girl, the weather to be hot daily, sheIs also not willing to let me replace the photograph,(Related Articles(on home page) each monthly total has such several days,), humph, did not coordinate, before looking for photograph, occasionallyAlso supports the activity!!Sweet little girl's clothes are by simple comfortable primarily, I thought that the child quickly, thereforeThe sign I do not pursue, basically buys clothes in the entity shop to her, clean, comfortable is IStandard!The roar roar, on the photograph, reveals shortcomings ・ ・ ・ feeling chromatic aberration big ~, the good friends holdA field, very much supports the lovable sweet little girl:Figure one: Buys in the entity shop, 15 Yuan! The sweet little girl more than 8 months, first time put on the short sleeves at that time, before,Several days, the sweet little girl goes to look for clothes, but also pulls out this to put on, I said have been young, she was not willing, to insistPuts on, gave her to put on the room ......Figure two: This is the sweet little girl 11 months, buys in the entity shop! Goes to the maternal family, the sister-in-law delivers, priceThe money had not asked that reveals the back, cool!Figure three: The little girl mother good sisters deliver, buys in the entity shop, the price had not asked! more than 8 month of sweet little girlFigure four, five: Buys in the entity shop,kids pajamas, 19 Yuan each, small sandals 5 Yuan!(starts from this is this summer Xiu)Figure seven: Little girl little paternal aunt delivers, has not asked the price!Figure eight,cool baby clothes, nine, ten: These three sets are the little girl mother good sisters deliver, is the infant posture visits, at that timeHas sees the sign list price, but the present does not remember! Figure ten little girl puts on the pants cherish one's relatives the grassFigure 11: Buys specializes in selling in the supermarket, cherishes one's relatives the grass, the coat 19 Yuan, small short 29 Yuan!Figure 12: Buys in the entity shop, 18 Yuan!Figure 13: Suspenders 5 Yuan, denim skirt 22 Yuan, small shoe 15 Yuan! Has not found this set of honorable person Xiu:Figure 14: Buys in the entity shop, 10 Yuan!Figure 15: Buys in the supermarket, a special price 9 Yuan 9 set!,homemade baby gift ideas, Had the time to renew again like this first! Welcome everybody appreciation, thanks the support (*^__^*)

Monday, August 23, 2010

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This placard in 2010-6-2918:14 edits finally by cvrvc

LG only then in said couple days ago wanted to trade the block wristwatch, the result really also let him like hope, in looked repair company's time, was not careful hits the glass door, wristwatch's watch band also damage by collision, a superficial corner also had 2 scars. Afterward,(Related Articlescreative homemade baby gifts [interview]KingJ ackn), we also cracked a joke said: Looked that like you have then hope that the wristwatch have been injured by falling down, then might owe has been big, several thousand wristwatch. .555 really love dearly.

Yesterday window-shopped, had a look at wristwatch that to be able to fix, could fix the words first were bringing,cool baby clothes, and so on 10.1 time bought, because definitely had the activity at that time, usually bought must be much more cost-effective. The result it is a pity, could not fix, only could buy newly. What a pity.

Happen to looks in the market that we simultaneously have a liking for a section of Switzerland to call any, the memory has been too bad, had forgotten name more than .3300 at the same place, gentleman women are a price, seems is very attractive, moreover the watch band is golden yellow, special foreign style. Attractive, lets LG try.

Is very good, the result he also let me try the female table, said that bought one pair together, I thought that the somewhat expensive 0.1 pair of words might hit 8 zhe, hit together 9 zhe. I have radar's wristwatch, well, also has not shattered, moreover decorates the wristwatch also had several .LG to add that bought one pair, although thought that has wasted very much,baby gear, but heard him to say like this, was very at heart happy, had not forgotten me. Ha-ha.

LG is hesitating, I saw has been more attractive, this sign. The price is more than 7700, inside the dial plate has the diamond, the great talent, is very very bright. I suggest LG to try, to feel am better, he also likes buying that block in the consideration. Gave off heat disorderly fortunately at that time bought. I think that decides and so on.

10.1 time moves full how many to deliver how many that activity, or full how many delivers anything to like propriety, bought the present have been cost-effective more than, to LG said that and so on bought again. He has also agreed that if buys pair, the might as well buys that 7000 many to give LG, in any case I what large-scale scene, but he is dissimilar, appears frequently in the large-scale scene, like this, bought for him has been more appropriate, right?? Ha-ha, but the husband will listen to me,newborn baby dolls, I will be decided by. Ha