Thursday, August 19, 2010

baby boutique The child room lighting set up pays great attention the child grow need

The child room's light environment, the warm feeling which emphasized with the abovestairs is different, should consider child's individuality characteristic and the growth need fully.

The child room has at the same time the study generally, the game, the rest, the Chu Wu function, is the genuine child world, therefore its indoor whole illumination brightness should be higher than the adult room, simultaneously the optical fiber must be gentle,baby boutique, thus lets the room produce warm, auspicious atmosphere. In addition,baby dolls, in the room also needs to have the corresponding local lighting, is advantageous for the child to read writes the work, the search books, seeks for stock, or increases the virgin interest using the modelling rich lamps and lanterns for the room.

If the indoor light arranges unreasonable, the optical fiber is insufficient, or to stress that the decoration effect has neglected child's actual need, will receive the counter-effect.

The study should protect the eye with the lamp

Characteristic: Protects the eye, safe, environmental protection

Regarding just when the school age time's child, the study is this stage most important task,(Related Articlesbaby bibs Has a look at 360 really very hoodlums), therefore, chooses a being suitable for the child to write the desk lamp to be essential. Child's world is always adding details the illusion color, the parents when chooses the lamps and lanterns for the child, also will choose the modelling to be lovable frequently, color gorgeous decorative lighting, but sometimes the lamps and lanterns outward appearance pretty cannot guarantee child's vision health. Because the child is being in the growth development period, lamps and lanterns' choice not only needs to consider that its secure and material quality whether environmental protection, modelling whether to conform to child's psychological characteristic, regarding served as the study illumination the lamps and lanterns, more importantly in photo source whether to meet child's actual need.

The ordinary photo source as a result of its instability, the twinkle optical fiber is extremely easy to create child's vision drop. Therefore, choice bright and high color rendering property lamps and lanterns especially important.

For decorative or ornamental purpos the lamp must be childish

Characteristic: Changeable modelling, bright color

In the child room generally unifies take the whole illumination and the local lighting disposes the lamps and lanterns, the whole illumination must use the hanging lamp, the indirect lighting to be bright as spatial building, illusion light effect, but the local lighting by the wall lamp, the desk lamp, the spotlight and so on meets the different illumination needs. Elects the lamps and lanterns should in the modelling, in the color for the child a relaxedness, fill the interest the light feeling, develops child's imagination, stimulates child's study interest. Therefore, the parents might as well together choose the child room with the child the lamps and lanterns, lets pleasure which the child enjoys raises the lampwick independently.

Has a star-level luxurious mail ship, a mountainous region cross country bicycle, hovers the blue sky airplane, once was how many person of childhood dream, now, these modelling have been applied in the hanging lamp series, uses the frosted glass to make, hangs a such hanging lamp in the child room, will decide can let the child launch the imagination the wing, the study will also become forgives has the interest. If you want to remind the child to remember the time, that chooses baby's clock and watch wall lamp. Also has like the star, the moon modelling hanging lamp, the indirect lighting, the wall lamp, the different material quality passes the different light shade effect, the crystal month turns on a light dazzling, but the frosted glass lamp flow comes out the moonlight like water the tender feeling.

The illumination suggested:

The wall lamp wire must enter the wall

Child's instinct is lively, active, also fills the intense curiosity to the thing, particularly young child, but they actually lack essential protect oneself consciousness. Therefore, in young master's room, if installs has the wall lamp, that attention do not let the power line appear externally, in order to avoid not the sensible young master takes the electric wire, when the toy manipulates, thus creates the danger which receives an electric shock. Moreover, the parents may also adjust the light switch for the beloved small treasure addition wall type, like this may facilitate the child to open turning off a light in the night.

The plug should have sealing

Individuality which everywhere climbs up in view of the child inborn love, you must pay attention to the child room the power point. whether to have the security. The common power point. does not have sealing, therefore, you must consider for little darling's safety, the choice has the insurance to cover, or tears off the plug power source hole to be able the automatic closed plug.

The light bulb should have the shroud

The parents when choose the lamps and lanterns for the child, must pay attention, if the child is also very small, do not select these easily to let the child touch light bulb's lamps and lanterns, avoids the light bulb which gives off heat burning to the child immature flesh. Should better chooses the enclosed chimney's lamps and lanterns, or adds a shroud for the light bulb. Moreover, should also avoid in the child room placing the lamp, reduces the danger which the child receives an electric shock.

Installs many plugs

The child room is a child at home self-space, regardless of studies, game, invites schoolmate, the friend to play, carries on mostly in this free little world. Therefore, in the room light arrangement must compared to adult room many, but also has the computer, the sound, electric appliance equipment and so on DVD, this needs when the repair a multi-installment plug, avoids the plug insufficiently causing in the single power source to light the excess load connecting circuit equipment. Generally speaking, considered the child studies,kids clothing, the entertainment, the activity and the Chu Wu need, in the room most little needs to reserve 6 power point.s, including two must install in writing desk's place above, other may dispose in the corner.

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