Friday, August 6, 2010

baby gift [news]Aegis DOTA official sinicizing component member Harreke return

Holds the disciple DOTA Chinese news station first round, the reprint please do retain this line

DOTA official sinicizing component member Aegis announced in the sinicizing group another member Harreke return news,baby gift, because before this Harrke some reasons faded out temporarily the DOTA sinicizing group's work, the DOTA sinicizing work also carries on by Aegis one person. Recently, as a result of the Xinjiang area's network recovery, Harreke could also return smoothly. Let us thank the DOTA official sinicizing group the work, thanks Aegis, Harreke the brilliant contribution which does to the DOTA sinicizing, hopes them to be able in the later work all smooth!

In addition, domestic has had the village in a mountainous area DOTA map's phenomenon,baby doll batman, some platforms even cooperate with these village in a mountainous area map author, the serious damage DOTA author and domestic DOTA played family's rights and interests. Also hoped that plays the families to be able on own initiative to resist the village in a mountainous area chart,baby blanket pattern, respects the DOTA workers the work achievement,(Related Articlesbaby girls Heroic alliance history), will hold the disciple platform also the advancement official map's popularization as always, will eagerly anticipate plays the family to use the newest DOTA edition.

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