Monday, August 23, 2010

gifts for kids The parents good intention will form the habit which the child will rely on

As everybody knows that the family is the first school which the child goes study, the parents is the child's first teacher, many child's psychology and the behavior are bringing the home environment or the parent education shadow generally. Some children treat people politeness, works the custom, but some children are unrestrained, absentminded ......These concern with the home education. The careful guardian will possibly discover that more than once will occur on the child body forgets the belt textbook, the busy book, matters and so on young pioneer, will have the problem facing the child, the guardian always anxiously for their 11 solutions. Have never realized, your good intention, you show loving concern in have been unconscious, let the child foster the management carelessly not to have the procedure, everywhere relied on custom ......
About this point, Cao Jianying has deeply realized: On when my son kindergarten, teacher requests the guardian to buy a handkerchief to the child,(Related Articlesgirls coats The leg does not tie up straight, the), the child when two-and-a-half years old, I brought he buys the handkerchief to tell him at that time saying that the such attractive handkerchief you must certainly cherish it, before your duty are every night sleep, puts in the book bag it. Gradually, the child has formed the custom which their thing tidy up. Goes to school until now, we have not helped him to tidy up the book bag, he never has also had an absentminded matter, until now, what the child uses is ten year ago that handkerchief. His these customs migrate to life each aspect, the guardian need for him to worry basically.
As the saying goes,gifts for kids, teaches by example wins in teaching by word, teaches by example is the silent language, visible example; The adult is child's model, the child is adult's mirror. If some guardians stemming from to child's care, the control looked that television's time, they actually intemperately looked, does this, not only guardian's reduced unintentionally in child mind prestige, moreover the child also learned saying that a set made a set ......
Gradually, forms for the custom, displays in the life, the child only complies to guardian's request, does not move; Studies hauls, all these, are the guardian create, makes guardian's should the earnest resonsideration.
Listened to the guardian to say frequently that the child most listened to teacher's words. Why? The reason is teacher's occupational ethics requests them to be a teacher by worthy example, moreover is as good as one's word, therefore, they have the prestige very much in children's heart.
The kindergarten learns the life most main thing
The so-called custom, undergoes redundant or the practice, but consolidates down ideological mode and behavior way. For example some people eat meal the custom left hand to take the bowl, the right hand take the chopsticks, otherwise feels irritable. As the saying goes: The custom raises well,kids clothes, lifelong receives its profit. , little small, if asexual, the custom becomes the nature. The child forms the good habit since childhood, can promote their growth, well knowledge acquisition, development intelligence. The good study habits can raise child's efficiency, guarantees the study duty smooth completion. In this sense, it will be the child from now on the enterprise successful first condition.
The child is being in the physiology, the psychological fast development crucial stage, is in forms each custom the crucial phase, then which good behavior habit the child time most does need to form?
Cao Jianying said that I sees this kind of story in the magazine: in January, 1988, when 75 Nobel prize winner gets together Paris, reporter asks a Nobel prize winner: Ask that which university you were at to learn you to think the most main thing? This scientist replied tranquilly: In kindergarten. The quizzer is puzzled: Learns in the kindergarten is assorted? The scientist recalled affectionately said: Learns divides own thing half to give the little friend; It is not own thing do not take; The thing must put neatly; Before eating meal, must wash the hands; Made the mistake the matter to express the apology; After the lunch, must rest; Periphery must observe carefully the nature. I thought I learn the main thing is these. Was not own thing do not take, says simply, but must raise since childhood, otherwise after the child grew up, will eat owes greatly.
Some small example also shows this custom the importance: A Beijing enterprise recruiting of workers, the reward is rich. Some high school record's young people behead six generals at six passes, achieved wishes nearly. Last pass is general manager interviews. General manager said: My a little urgent matter, you wait for my 10 minutes. After general manager walks, the smug young people sphere boss's desk, you turn the document, I looked incoming letter .10 minutes later, general manager comes back to announce: The interview ended, was very regrettable, you have not enrolled. Thus it can be seen, the childhood fosters the good custom has the decision function to the person life.
A good custom is at least redundant 21 times to be only then consolidated
It is well known, the school edition is the home education extension. In the US, Cao Jianying has felt the school deeply to the student good behavior custom value.
The student from enters the school gate, as soon as goes to eat, goes to bathroom, enters the classroom is the platoon rankss, moreover is depending on the right side, moreover after entering the classroom building, has not clamored loud. School this kind of education, manifested the order in US's each place.
The school raises student's this good custom, seeped American society's each corner, goes to eat in the hotel,kids clothing brands, does not have loud the speech; In the theater looked that the performance or holds a meeting not to hear the handset sound, also does not have 0.1 weekends which takes a walk at will, I go to the supermarket to go shopping, at that time the entrance person were many, but the exit person were very few, but they did not have one from to export, when paid up, the second person was apart from paying fee people aware gap one meter, this kind of phenomenon the situation which saw with the school is the same. Also once, I go to the post office to mail a letter, on counter also nobody, but handles matters the human is also on own initiative stands outside rice-flour noodle, and so on staff will be called him, him only then to arrive at the counter management. Every goes to US's people to envy US's order, all these undergo the careful training and have the goal raise, is also the environment builds.
Some people have calculated, a good custom must duplicate at least 21 times only then has the possibility to be consolidated. If discovered that the child has the bad usual practice, is the guardian should the resonsideration well, should not hit the board on the child body, actually these are because we neglect duty create.

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